Tuesday, December 30, 2014

An introduction...

I Hello, and thank you for checking out my eNVylectable escapades.

A few things about me to get started... My name is Nicole V (hence the blog named eNVy), I'm 28 years old, and I divide my time living in SoCal, and Manila, Philippines. I'm a law student, a skydiver, a champion body flyer, a shooting range enthusiast, and recently recovered Crossfit and strength training addict. In case it wasn't already obvious, based on my hobbies, I am a thrill-seeker, and I like to live large.

In the little spare time that I have, I like to read and write, hence the birth of this blog. Here, I'll be sharing my thoughts on my more recent booksploits. While I love most books, my recent interests have mostly fallen into the YA, NA, Romance and mystery genres.

I hope you're ready to dive into the deep, dark depths of my brain. The escapades promise to be quite eNVylectable indeed.